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Regarding date of registration and counselling follow University website i.e "" & "".   |   Admission Instructions for candidates joining ACMS Academic Session 2024- 25   |   ​​​​​​​Admission Timing For ACMS   0900 Hrs - 1500 Hrs (02 Sep - 05 Sep 2024), Registration Till 1300 Hrs (02 Sep - 05 Sep 2024)

Respiratory Medicine

The goal of teaching Respiratory Medicine to under graduates is to impart basic knowledge about common infectious disease in INDIA i.e. tuberculosis and common respiratory illnesses like bronchial asthma, COPD, Pneumonia and lung malignancies. Fresh medical graduates should be able to diagnose and treat common medical emergencies like acute asthma, acute exacerbation of COPD and Pneumothorax etc. Proficient knowledge of tuberculosis and major Respiratory illness and emergencies will make medical graduates confident to handle these diseases in their professional life.


Every medical student passing out of a medical college should be capable to treating tuberculosis and shall contribute to National Revised Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP). Tuberculosis is the most common infectious disease in our country. It has high morbidity, mortality. Burden of tuberculosis esp. MDR tuberculosis has increased in recent time due to HIV co-infection. Respiratory diseases constitute major bulk of OPD attendance in every centre. Cases of Respiratory ailments are increasing with worsening air pollution in the country and esp in Delhi. COPD is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide and is predicted to be third leading cause by 2020. Incidence of Asthma esp childhood Asthma is on the rise. All major epidemic/ pandemic in recent times has involved respiratory systems like SARS H1N1 epidemic dengue Hemorrhagic fever and Bubonic Plague.


The undergraduates in training in this department participate in several outpatient activities and bed side teaching. They routinely attend following clinics during their posting:-
1. Asthma Clinic .
2. Smoking Cessation Clinic .
3. Sleep Studies with titration.
4. Non-Invasive, ventilation.
5. Pigtai / chest tabe Drainage/ Fibrinolytic therapy .