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Obstetrics & Gynaecology

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Army College of Medical Sciences,New Delhi was established in the year 2008. Over the years the department has grown from strength to strength. Our vision is to make the department a centre of excellence for the reproductive health needs of the women, train the generation next and be involved in research programmes.

Mission statement

The department aims to impart comprehensive knowledge and training in the science and art of obstetrics and gynecology to undergraduates and postgraduates( DNB) and inculcate in them the quest for knowledge and skill, a strong desire to strive for excellence and a deep concern for the cause of women's health.

Patient care

The department has got two units providing services to 42,000 out-door patients annually. Every year it caters approximately to 1800 major surgeries, 1500 minor surgeries, 2800 deliveries and 4000 opd procedures. It is a multi-specialty department providing high quality patient care in the areas of antenatal care, postnatal welfare, fetal medicine, high risk obstetrics, gynecological endoscopy, infertility, and urogynaecology. We manage high risk pregnancies and offer prenatal diagnosis with ultrasonography, amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling.In addition to providing the latest in patient care, the department under a dynamic leadership, strives to maintain a high standard of research and also trains young doctors to become experts in the field.


We have three Professors, two Associate Professors, four Assistant Professors one Senior Resident and  twelve Junior Residents at present. The well built lecture theatres are equipped with the state of the art audio visual systems. The department boasts of a well stocked library and a museum with a rich and ever increasing collection of specimens for the enrichment of students. We have an illustrative office space with well furnished chambers for the faculty. We also have a well equipped conference hall at base hospital for clinical teaching.

The academic exposure to obstetrics & gynaecology begins early on in the 2nd  year MBBS itself, when undergraduate students are posted in clinics for a month's duration by rotation in batches of 25 students each. This is followed by theory classes. Each clinical posting is followed at the end by a ward leaving to evaluate the learning process. Didactic lectures and periodic assessment scheme are followed. We endeavour to provide excellent teaching and training in the field of obstetrics & gynaecology to the undergraduate students with the help of multimedia applications such as models, charts, doll & dummy, lecture slides, assessment materials and other learning resources.

The department is actively pursuing clinical research in the form of dissertations by dnb students and departmental projects under individual faculty. To keep abreast with new knowledge, the department holds weekly journal club, clinical meeting and staff lecture.

Twelve batches of students have passed the college thus far and we have to our credit six distinctions in obstetrics and gynaecology with the 2018 batch.

Every year we train 100 undergraduates, 6 postgraduates (DNB). We conduct 250 clinics, 300 lectures/small group teaching/tutorials/other educational  activities/AETCOM for the under-graduate and post-graduate students. This is according to the competency based medical education given by NMC. Two electives have been assigned to the Dept of Obs and Gynae namely Endoscopy in Obs and Gynae and high risk obstretics. Six students attend the electives. The department has aptly geared up its teaching activities by engineering e-resources during the covid time which is proudly reflected in the university results of our students.


Interns at base hospital are posted in batches in obstetrics and gynaecology by rotation for a period of two months. The clinical material at base hospital provides ample exposure to both interns as well as undergraduate students. They are offered clinical postings in labour room, wards and the outpatient departments. We have three opd days, two ot days and a procedure day per week in addition to a polyclinic opd that runs all six days a week. The students are exposed to procedures like normal and operative deliveries, gynaecologic surgeries, ultrasound, pap smear, endometrial biopsy, colposcopy, endoscopy etc. in addition to basic inpatient and outpatient care.

Apart from the under graduate and post graduate training the department offers training to the senior residents who obtain an overall comprehensive experience in all the sub specialties of obstetrics and gynecology.