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Renovation of Army College of Medical Sciences Campus (Last date of submission is extended to 13/01/2025)   |   Newsletter E3


Department of Pathology is housed on the 2nd floor of Academic block. The subject is covered in 2nd M.B.BS Professional over a period of one year comprising of 2 semesters.

Curriculum is well structured as per the new CBME guidelines and composed of didactic lectures, small group teaching, tutorials, assignments, problem/ case based learning and seminars for students. The departmental museum houses nearly 200 gross pathology specimens which enable the students to get a better insight into the morphology of disease processes. Charts/Models/Animations are used to explain difficult concepts.

The department is well equipped with projection microscopy system and individual binocular and monocular microscopes for detailed viewing of representative histopathology and hematology slides. Students are also trained to perform basic hematological and clinical examination.

The departmental library is well stocked with more than 150 reference books/text books/atlas in the field of general pathology, gross pathology, systemic pathology, histo-techniques, hematology, clinical pathology and cytopathology. Training is imparted with the help of varied teaching aids and utilizing different techniques of small group teaching. Regular quizzes which focus on clinical real life situations keep the interest kindled among students.

Undergraduate students are encouraged to undertake research projects and present their findings in conferences.

Visits of students to AFTC (Armed Forces Transfusion Centre) as well as to various departments of the central lab at BHDC, which is well equipped to carry out various basic as well as highly specialized investigations, enable the students to get a sound and comprehensive knowledge of the subject. The department has organized activities like periodic voluntary blood donation camps for students and staff at ACMS in collaboration with AFTC.


Curriculum is well structured and composed of didactic lectures, small group teaching, tutorials, problem/ case based learning and seminars for students. The departmental library is well stocked with more than 100 books in the field of general pathology, gross pathology, systemic pathology, histo-techniques, hematology, clinical pathology and cytopathology. Training is imparted with the help of varied teaching aids. Regular quizzes which focus on clinical real life situations keep the interest kindled among students.

Undergraduate students are encouraged to participated and present in workshops, CME’s etc. Manasvi Raghav of 2014 Batch won the 2nd prize for her poster “Role of inflammasome in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases” at a recently held Annual Update in Pathology.


The departmental museum houses nearly 150 gross pathology specimens which enable the students to get a better insight of the morphology of disease processes. Charts/Models/Animations are used to explain difficult concepts.

The department is well equipped with representative histopathological slides of important lesions of the body. Students are also trained to perform basic haematological and urine examination.

Visits of students to AFTC (Armed Forces Training Centre) as well to various departments of the central lab at BHDC, which is well equipped to carry out various basic as well as highly specialized investigations, enable the students to get a sound and comprehensive knowledge of the subject.