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Renovation of Army College of Medical Sciences Campus (Last date of submission is extended to 13/01/2025)   |   Newsletter E3


The department of Microbiology at Army college of Medical Sciences was set up in 2008. It is located on the 2nd floor of the academic block of the college.

It has a spacious practical hall, a demonstration room, a well stocked library and various labs to carry out clinical work. The museum is designed with models, charts, glowboard and catalogues to help the MBBS students to achieve better understanding of Microbiology. In addition there is a media room for preparation of different media along with autoclave room and washing room. All the equipments as required by NMC are available in the department. There are also rooms for all the faculty and non-teaching staff.

The department caters to the teaching requirements of 100 undergraduate MBBS students. Vision of Microbiology department is to provide up-to-date & holistic theoretical & practical training for MBBS students to help them to become better clinicians & to aid them in front line research in all disciplines of Microbiology.

The students have been performing exceptionally well in Microbiology with 09 distinctions in 2019 batch & 27 distinctions in 2020 batch with a pass percentage of nearly 100% in 2020 batch. The department has also under taken a major initiative in STS projects of ICMR by students and various others research activities & number of these research have also been published.


Our aim of teaching Microbiology is that the student should not just do well in the examinations but also to give him a sound knowledge of the subject, so as to help him to excel in the clinical field. To achieve this end, we strive to make the lectures interactive, interesting and clinically oriented.

Students are also encouraged to regularly take part in Seminars and Quiz conducted by the department. Projects are allotted to the students for better understanding of the subject and to encourage productive interaction amongst them. Efforts are made by the department to undertake integrated teaching for vital topics to ensure that the student acquires a wholesome concept for the topic concerned.


The total duration of teaching Microbiology for II MBBS is 13 months including exam with total hours of teaching being a minimum of 220 hours including lectures, small group discussions,self directed learning, practicals, demonstrations, revision and also formative and summative assessments as per NMC norms.

During this 13 months, the students face multiple formative assessments in theory and practical along  with two internal asessments and one pre-prof examination .

In the summative exam the students are examined in two theory papers of Microbiology and face a practical examination conducted by the University. Lot of stress is given on the practical/ hands on training of the students. The pass percentage and the distinctions obtained by our students have made us proud.