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Renovation of Army College of Medical Sciences Campus (Last date of submission is extended to 13/01/2025)   |   Newsletter E3


The department of anaesthesiology delivers the highest professional level of Anaesthesia, Perioperative care, Critical Care and Pain Management to all by adopting evidence-based, best and contemporary practices. The department aims to be recognized for its contribution to the speciality of Anaesthesiology through communication, teaching and research. We aim to train doctors to become outstanding Anaesthesiologists with above par academic ability, enthusiasm and dynamism, humane nature, sense of humour, deep understanding of team spirit and above all conscientiousness.


The subject of Anaesthesiology is taught in 7th and 8th Semester to undergraduate students and compulsory clinical postings in Operation Theatre and Intensive care Units are done in Internship. The department aims to train them thoroughly in perioperative medicine and pain management.


The department of Anaesthesiology and Critical care at Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt is a fully fledged department with around 20 anaesthesiologists and residents working round the clock to provide services for elective and emergency surgeries.