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Renovation of Army College of Medical Sciences Campus (Last date of submission is extended to 13/01/2025)   |   Newsletter E3


The Department of Paediatrics, Army College of Medical Sciences and Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt is dedicated to improving the health of infants, children and adolescents through excellence in patient care, education, research and advocacy. This is passionately embraced by our faculty and staff who are deeply committed to the welfare of our community.

The department aims at achieving the following:
 • Providing state-of-the-art medical care to the dependent children
 • Providing a child-friendly milieu to the sick children
 Providing scientific and evidence-based treatment
 Providing regular developmental screening, growth charting, advice on immunization and anticipatory guidance to well children
 Providing sound primary pediatric care
 Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life
 Sensitivity to the service requirements in respect of parents with sick children



The Department of Paediatrics is very active and enthusiastic in training the young minds to help them bloom to their full potential. The main aim of teaching undergraduate medical students is to impart knowledge and skills that enables them to diagnose and manage common neonatal and childhood illnesses. In phase III, training involves 40 hours of didactic lectures, 65 hours of Small Group Discussions and 15 hours of Self-Directed Learning sessions. Besides this, they have 10 weeks of clinical rotation – 2 weeks each in Phase II and 4 weeks each in Phase III Part 1 and Part 2 each. The teaching have been integrated at all professional levels so as to prepare the student to deliver preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services for care of children both in the community and at hospital as part of a team. The training aims to achieve set competencies by students, that includes systematic instructions in growth and development, nutritional needs of a child, immunization schedules, management of common diseases of infancy and childhood, scope of Social Paediatrics and Counselling as laid down by MCI. At the end of their Clinical Posting, the undergraduate students undergo an Assessment Examination on skills acquired, with major emphasis on Paediatric history taking along with approach to a particular case, anthropometry and examination. The students are also encouraged and guided to participate in various research projects and activities like ICMR-STS.


The internship programme comprises of 4 weeks of paediatric medicine training. We have 60 bedded Paediatric Ward with a plethora of challenging cases being admitted everyday providing vast clinical exposure and experience to our undergraduates. We also have a 6 bedded PICU and 15 bedded NICU providing state-of-the-art-care. There is a dedicated paediatric emergency department staffed by Paediatric Emergency Medicine-trained doctors round the clock. Our department has well-developed Paediatric subspecialties of Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology and Pulmonology which gives the medical students an insight and motivation to pursue post-graduation as well as super specialisation into these diverse fields. We give the interns ‘Hands on Training’ to perform basic procedures like putting up an intravenous or intraosseous line, taking blood samples, performing lumbar puncture, pleural and peritoneal tap and nasogastric tube insertion. They are also trained to deal with paediatric emergencies, besides NALS and PALS. Our mission – “WE CARE”, encompasses our drive to improve the health and well-being of children through excellence in family-centred care, advocacy, research and education.