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Renovation of Army College of Medical Sciences Campus (Last date of submission is extended to 13/01/2025)   |   Newsletter E3

Community Medicine

Community Medicine is a branch of medicine dealing with health care issues affecting communities as a whole. It gives a broader view on the subject of health, educating students on the role of social, cultural and environmental determinants on the health of community. Students are taught about the existing public health care delivery system of India and health programs. The subject attempts to acquaint the student with incipient and early phases of disease and management of such cases. The knowledge of epidemiology inculcated in training, helps student understand the disease dynamics and transmission. Research and statistics, train undergraduate to critically interpret the published health information.

We aim to produce graduates of medicine who are effective community leaders in healthcare delivery, understand the health needs of community as a whole, are updated with current global and national health challenges and are equipped well to respond to outbreaks and provide comprehensive (Preventive, promotive and curative) health care to the community.


Teaching in Community Medicine is deliveredas through interactive lectures, tutorials, field visits to urban and rural health training centers ands field visits. We have nearly 376 hours of teacshing during entire MBBS course. In first yearssss nearly 60 hours of teaching, 200 hours infgght second and third year and 116 hours in fourtht year respectively. Amongst the teaching hourst we have 148 hours of didactic lectures, trying..


Students are given internship training by posting them in Urban training center of Uttam Nagar and Rural health training center of Najafgarh. Students get a diverse, rich clinical experience of interaction with the community at first point of contact. They observe and are involved in the delivery of primary care services e.g. Out Patient care, immunization, family planning and reproductive health services. Along with the posting at the centre they conduct community based research. Few of the researches conducted..